MJ’s Market becomes Grafton’s first marijuana retailer in October

There appears to be a winner in the race to be the first to open Grafton’s first retail marijuana business: MJ’s Market.
The retail space will have a grand opening at its 13 Centennial Drive space on October 15 at noon but sales are expected to start “round the 11th… ish,” according to a statement on the company’s Facebook page.
The business received its final license from the Cannabis Control Commission on September 23 and will both cultivate and sell marijuana and cannabis products on the site.
“We believe in becoming more than just a dispensary,” its website announces. “We are focused on creating an experience for our guests within our space. We will use the stage area to transform our retail store into an interactive performance space where local artists can interact with our guests. In addition, we will have a gallery of sorts as these local artists will have space to display their creations.”
There will also be a separate space for medical marijuana patients while, in the main retail area, “highly trained Cannasseurs” will be available to discuss clients’ cannabis needs.
Grafton has had hopes of getting marijuana revenue since 2016, only to see progress by companies granted Host Community Agreements falter.
The three remaining businesses with Host Community Agreements in Grafton include:
- Discern’d Cannabis Purveyors, 130 and 134 Worcester Street, has stalled on construction of its retail marijuana facility, one of many ventures affected by supply shortages;
- Resinate, 135 Westboro Road, has also seen little progress on its retail facility;
- Jushi Holdings, which acquired Nature’s Remedy earlier this month, has an undetermined timetable on when it might bring its planned Grafton grow facility online.
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