Letter: Dave Robbins endorses Andy Jefferson for Select Board

I have come to know Andy Jefferson in the two years since he was appointed to the Finance Committee, and he has earned my respect because he is a discerning and insightful person.His experience on the Finance Committee has proven that he has an impressive short learning curve, which has enabled him to quickly develop a comprehensive understanding of Town finances and how that all works together with prop 2-1/2, State regulations and mandates.

 Andy Jefferson understands that change always occurs, and that for change to be effective and meaningful one must evaluate all the pros and cons of an issue to determine if it will work for the town.  This kind of analytical thinking has been demonstrated many times while serving on the Finance Committee. He’s been a big asset to the Finance Committee by asking pertinent questions and by giving thoughtful responses as to why he supports a certain issue. He would bring those same characteristics to the Select Board.

 He has a great sense of humor and an aptitude to put people at ease, which gives him the ability to communicate effectively with his constituents and find common ground to bring people together.  His approach to effective communication is to make people feel at ease and listen to them without prejudging them

His humility and sense of awareness of others who struggle in life will be the motivating force for him, if elected, to work to improve the lives of all Grafton residents and not just the few.  He will be committed to supporting affordable housing, maintaining a sustainable fiscal future, strategizing and planning for future growth of Grafton and seeking new ways to bring in more revenue to the Town.

As a Select Board member, he will serve with no hidden agenda and no preconceived biases or notions. He will keep an open mind to all pertinent information and make well thought out decisions. He will always be forthright and honest with the community of Grafton.

I respectfully ask you to vote for Andy Jefferson on May 17.

 Dave Robbins