With an oink-oink here, and a woof-woof there, join Grafton’s pet parade

The tricks and treats will be a little bit different on Saturday, when Quite Fetching Barkery and Boutique will once again parade pups around the Grafton Common Historic District in the annual costume contest and pet parade.

But while this is a day that decidedly goes to the dogs, this year’s parade leader makes everyone hog wild. Truffles the mini pig, the latest member of the Quite Fetching menagerie, will be leading the line around Grafton Common and sniffing out the shops for snacks.

Festivities run 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and features treats from a variety of vendors for both humans and their four-footed friends, including the Carob Factory, Waggy Tails Dog Grooming, Knawty Dog Treats, Four-Footed Family, You Lucky Doggy, Baypath Humane Society, and Worcester Animal Rescue Leage.

Registration for the costume contest is 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The parade begins at 1:30 p.m.

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