VFW Post seeks faded flags for Veterans Day burning

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour, Grafton veterans will be honoring some of the town’s most battered and tattered veterans.

Yes. Grafton VFW Post 1497 would like your old flags, so they can retire them in the proper way — they will burn them.

“Last year, we had about 350 people give us flags,” said VFW Bill Drago. “We want to have even more this year.”

The American flag code calls for respectful disposal, with fire, for discarded flags. The VFW has a box, similar to a mailbox, at their 25 Main St., South Grafton post, for flag donations — from as small as a cemetery flag to the giant flags flown over businesses.

There will be a small ceremony on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, at 11 a.m.