Singers sought for Grafton Unitarian Universalist Church video

Submitted by the Grafton Unitarian Universalist Church

During the COVID pandemic, the Music Department at the Grafton Unitarian Universalist Church came up with innovative, creative ways to produce musical selections for our online church services. Choir members and musicians would record their respective parts of a song at remote locations and send them to Music Director, Barry Hall. Barry combined and synchronized the individual recordings and produced the final music video.

Here’s an example:

Building a New Way

In March, we are producing another video about the Spirit of Generosity – our spiritual theme for the month. And, we are inviting the greater Grafton community to join us in singing one of our favorite songs, From You I Receive.

Here is an earlier recording of the song:

To participate, you will record (video) yourself in your own home, send in your video, and we will combine everyone into one video.

Even if you don’t consider yourself a singer, please join us. Your voice will be part of a beautiful chorus. We also have an option for people that would rather speak the words rather than sing them.

Recordings are due by February 20, 2022.

Come sing with us. It’s fun.

If you have questions, contact Barry at:

All the instructions and what you will need to record your video can be found below.