Letter: ‘We hear the sound of breaks squealing and then a crash’

The following letter was included in this week’s Select Board correspondence.

I live in town and work at Apple Tree Arts at One Grafton Common. My coworkers and I are very concerned about the intersection right here in front of our building (as are other business owners in the building). I can’t tell you how many times we hear the sound of breaks squealing and then a crash. We just had another accident here a few minutes ago.

I wish the town would reconsider putting a light or maybe a 4-way stop there. I have heard through the grapevine that the Historic District Commission feels a light might ruin the charm of the Common. I understand that concern, but at some point safety has to be the priority.

My co-workers and I all try to avoid this intersection because we’ve seen how dangerous it can be. One of our board members was hit one night a few years back crossing in the crosswalk and broke her pelvis. Students from the local schools are often walking around the area after school on a nice day. Our students and those of Beatz Dance Studio are getting dropped off and picked up. People walk through here with their dogs all day visiting Quite Fetching.

I personally, have almost been hit both as a pedestrian and a driver. My son just got his license and works in Westborough so he has to drive through there a couple of times a day, which makes me worry. My other son is in middle school and walks through there with his friends.

I love the Grafton Common and I love that it’s bustling with activity. I would just hate for something really awful to happen here.

Liz Colognesi

One thought on “Letter: ‘We hear the sound of breaks squealing and then a crash’

  • April 13, 2022 at 7:19 pm

    Maybe If it was set up like a rotary, it would be one way traffic and it may reduce accidents.

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