Letter: ‘Polite’ drivers are creating a hazard at Grafton Common intersection

The following letter was sent to the Select Board.

I am writing to express my concern with the intersection between Rt. 140 and South Street on the Common in the center of town, most notably, traffic proceeding on Rt. 140 from Upton, continuing on Rt. 140 down Worcester Street.The intersection is challenging regardless, though I would never assign blame to the Town of Grafton or even Mass DOT, as no matter how you cut it, it will be challenging.

My concern is, when I, and other stop at the stop sign on South Street, coming from the direction of Highfields for example, and vehicles coming from Upton on Rt. 140 come to a full and complete stop to allow me to go. I assume those vehicles are trying to be nice and do not see that I have a stop sign and cannot proceed until it is clear, and instead assume there is a yield, or perhaps no signage at all.

This creates incredibly dangerous situation where vehicles, especially large trucks are coming to a full stop when drivers behind them do not expect them to. I assume this can be remedied by adding a simple sign that says “Traffic from left has a stop sign” or something to that effect. I assume this would be the responsibility of MassDOT, as it is a state road.

Thank uou for your consideration of this matter.

Josh Bedarian

One thought on “Letter: ‘Polite’ drivers are creating a hazard at Grafton Common intersection

  • October 16, 2021 at 7:25 am

    I agree this situation is concerning. I have witnessed it myself. Perhaps the Police Chief could provide crash data at this location. Governmental agencies respond more readily when dangerous situations are documented.

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