Letter: Haddad endorses Andy Jefferson for Select Board

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I write this letter of endorsement for Andy Jefferson to become a member of the Grafton Select Board. There is no question in my mind that Andy would be an outstanding member of the Select Board and work hard to continue to move this Town forward.

I first met Andy when he became a member of the Finance Committee. I was instantly impressed with his effort and dedication as a member. What I found most impressive was the manner in which he approached his new role. He brought a quiet confidence. He wanted to understand the process in which the Finance Committee addressed the many important issues before them. He comes to meetings prepared to work. He does his homework and asks many pertinent questions that makes me, for one, think about an issue in a way I had not considered. His humble demeanor and the respectful way he addresses the many individuals that come before the Finance Committee is what is needed in municipal government. The success of local government is its many volunteers who give their time to make Grafton a better place to live and raise a family. Andy is the epitome of this success in Grafton.

In his time on the Finance Committee, Andy has become a leader, one who is respected and valued. There is no doubt in my mind that he will bring this same approach as a member of the Grafton Select Board. He will continue to work for all of the residents of Grafton.

Please join me in voting for Andy Jefferson on May 17th for the Grafton Select Board.


Mark Haddad