Letter: Mead thanks everyone for making Town Meeting 2020 go off without a hitch

To the Editor,

We made it through Town Meeting without a hitch. Everything went just as planned. Talk about planning. This started weeks ago and involved a lot of people. I would like to thank all the people that attended meetings, on site and through Zoom calls.

The plan was put together by Janice Mead and Elizabeth Levison. They visited the site and came up with a great plan and I want to thank them for all their help. Pam Riordan and the CERT Team and Marianne Devries and the MRC Team did a fantastic job planning and the day of Town Meeting. Thanks to Chief Gauthier and the firefighters who were on scene for medical assistance and public safety. Thanks to Chief Crepeau and the police officers on scene for all their work and planning. Paul Cournoyer and the DPW staff that set up tents and barricades. Bob, Bill and the others from Grafton Cable for all their hard work. It was quite a task to set up cameras and communications.

Thanks to Dave Robbins for being the Deputy Moderator for the last time with me. Thanks to Dan Concaugh and Bruce Spinney as back up
Deputy Moderators. Thanks to Tim Mcinerney, Rebecca Meekins, Ginny Cremer, Kandy Lavallee and all the election workers, Cindy Ide, Joann Duncan, Bob Berger, the Select Board and all of the Town staff that helped. I want to especially thank Chris Mead for putting this together and running operations before and during the meeting. I hope I didn’t forget anyone, if I did, I apologize.

I want to thank the voters of the Town of Grafton for putting up with me as moderator for 21 years. It
ended with a bang and it was a lot of fun. It was my pleasure serving as Moderator.

Ray Mead

One thought on “Letter: Mead thanks everyone for making Town Meeting 2020 go off without a hitch

  • June 22, 2020 at 2:56 pm

    Ray you will be missed. You did an awesome job as moderator and set a standard for the future. Best in your future endeavors!

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