Letter: Davis family supports Marr for School Committee

To the voters of the Town of Grafton.

We have known Amy Marr for over ten years. Amy has been heavily involved in the community for as long as we have known her. She was a frequent parent volunteer during many of the elementary school events, has been heavily involved in Girl Scouts as a leader, and now is seeking to re-new her seat on the school committee.

We will be casting our Town of Grafton School Committee vote for Amy Marr. There are several reasons why we are voting for Amy. The first reason is that Amy has been on the school committee over the last term and we think she has done a great job helping to guide us through challenging circumstances (pandemic, budget concerns and seemingly constant criticism of educational practices coming from both sides of the political aisle). Her willingness to respond and be available to the public is second to none.

The second reason Amy has our vote for school committee is we are confident that she will take in to account both sides of every issue, researching it diligently, listening to others, and carefully weighing the pros and cons before making her decision and casting her vote.

The final reason that we are voting for Amy Marr is that we know her to be determined and undaunted in her ability to do what she feels is right for the town and the school department. We know that whatever she decides, in her mind she will believe it is the right thing for the school department. We don’t have to worry about her bowing to the “popular opinion” or her looking to gain friends. Amy will always base her decision on what she feels is right for Grafton and the school department. And, that is why Amy Marr has earned our vote.

Chris and Julie Davis