
‘Grafton Unites’ seeks candidates against masks, CRT, and sex ed

A group opposing mask mandates, COVID-19 vaccines, sex education, and Critical Race Theory is hoping to run a slate of candidates in the May 17 Grafton Town Election.

“Grafton Unites” launched a website last week encouraging like-minded residents to run for local office, mainly focusing on School Committee.

“Have you noticed life as we know it changing, even before Covid-19? Have you noticed changes to town priorities, the education system, and the erosion of our civil rights?” website visitors are asked. “It is Grafton Unites’ mission to change this course and restore transparency, accountability, and freedom to the residents of Grafton by working to bring about change in local government and educational decision-making. We are committed to doing so in a way that honors the rights and freedoms of all Grafton citizens.”

The group draws talking points from congressional candidate Jeffrey Sossa-Paquette, who claims that a rise in teen suicide is caused by educators’ focus on children’s needs outside of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

“What teachers have no place teaching our children is ‘CRT’ as a parent if my child struggles with self-identity, depression, anxiety, or any other personal concerns that is between my child and myself, not my child’s teacher or school psychologist, nor should any parent owe an explanation to how we handle our personal family concerns with our schools,” Sossa-Paquette is quoted. “Teachers teach and Parents raise our children, more importantly, we name our children not ‘Woke’ teachers and their dangerous pro-nouns.”

The page also links to concerns of the Massachusetts Family Institute (Opt-Out Movement and Massachusetts Informed Parents, suggesting that parents opt their children out of sex education classes, petition school boards to use “Sexual Risk Avoidance Curriculum,” and identify objectionable materials in libraries and in class curriculum and have them removed.

It also asks that parents be on the lookout for Drag Queen Story Hours at libraries and suggests that children should be withdrawn from public school and sent to a private school or homeschooled.

Requests for an interview about the initiative were not answered.

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