Dig into Grafton’s spending with new financial transparency site

Here’s the perfect Christmas gift for the numbers enthusiast in your life: the town of Grafton’s financial transparency portal is officially live!
Powered by ClearGov, this software will allow residents to take an in-depth look at the town’s revenues, expenditures, demographics, and debt. These data sets can be refined down to the department level so that residents can see exactly where their tax dollars go.
“ClearGov is going to provide new and unique opportunities for residents to get a clear look at where their money goes,” Town Administrator Evan Brassard said. “I think this is a step in the right direction for financial transparency.”
The data on ClearGov now goes as far back as FY2014 and focuses primarily on the town’s budget. In the future, this data set will be expanded for a longer term look at Grafton’s financials and will include Capital Planning.
Ms. Mary Lauria, Finance Director, stated, “This new software is going to streamline the budgeting process for Grafton by giving Department Heads more flexibility in building their budgets and helping the Accounting Department develop projections for future budgets,” Finance Director Mary Lauria said. “There will be a slight learning curve, but in the end, I think everyone will see the value of the new software.”
You can view the Town’s ClearGov budget book by clicking here.
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