
Letter: Please support Indigenous Peoples’ Day at Town Meeting

Dear Grafton Community,

I write today to ask for your support of the Citizen’s Petition drafted by several members from Grafton Rise to change the current Columbus Day Holiday to Indigenous Peoples’ Day. This is the right step for Grafton. It provides an opportunity for our town to take part in the enactment of positive change in Central Massachusetts. Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebrates Grafton’s Native roots and makes our town history visible in a way supported by the Nipmuc Tribe. I urge you to join me in sending the message that Grafton stands on the right side of history.

I first learned the truth of Christopher Columbus while in college. I was shocked to read his diaries and even more horrified when I read the despicable things he once said – “I thought then, and still believe, that these [Native Americans] were from the continent. It appears to me that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of the opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion.” It is evident from Columbus’ own accounts that he looked down on the indigenous people of America as inferior to the white man. Columbus initiateded and set in motion a campaign of violence and genocide. Historian Jill Lepore describes, “there were about three million people on that island when Columbus landed; fifty years later there were only 500.” I ask everyone, how can we justify commemorating someone who is so clearly responsible for mass murder? I had always thought of Columbus Day as a day off from school or work in October and had never considered it beyond that. After uncovering a truth that has been overlooked and purposely omitted for centuries, I will never again think of it with the nonchalance that so many of us do.

I want my child and the children of the future to celebrate the origins of Grafton and to be able to meaningfully engage with the local Nipmuc tribe. Any community that can not only simply survive, but can maintain and build upon their traditions in the face of such adversity are heroes. We, as Grafton’s voice, must do the right thing. We cannot allow history to continue to be written by the oppressors. We must rightfully return it to the oppressed. Every single time we praise Christopher Columbus, we turn a blind eye to the downright inhumane cruelty he perpetrated.

The month of October has been designated as Italian American History month. In our multi-ethnic community, we do many things throughout the year to celebrate this: the Dinner of the Seven Fishes, Feast Days, and much more. There are many Italian and Italian-American role models that we can honor. Christopher Columbus should not be one of them. 

That is why I believe that on this day – this remarkably important day – space should be given for joy and recognition of the Native inhabitants of this land. Please join me at Town Meeting to vote in favor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.  

Julie Feeney

One thought on “Letter: Please support Indigenous Peoples’ Day at Town Meeting

  • What’s next, change the town’s name. Still have not seen a gator.

    What’s next change the town’s name. Still have not seen a gator.

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