Letter: Music players sought to help seniors regain memories

My name is Cheyanne and I am a Grafton Girl Scout from Troop 30186. I am currently working on my Silver Award project which is “Making Memories Through Music.”

The project is to help the elderly, senior citizens, and patients with head trauma regain memories by providing music that they may remember. I will be putting various genres together on CDs and iPods. This is where you can help me! 

I will be in need of gently used headphones (no ear buds please), working iPods, and portable CD players. Also, gift cards to Best Buy, Target, and other various stores where I would be able to obtain these items. 

You can get in contact with my troop leader Elaine Urban by emailing her at hhs80@aol.com for pick up and drop information. All the help I can get is appreciated!

Thank you!

Grafton Girl Scout Troop 30186