Zounds! Or is it Zooms? Shakespeare in the Age of COVID-19
Welcome to the 21st Century, William Shakespeare, and the perils of 2020!
They closed the theaters in the 1600’s due to the plague and playwrights and theater goers longed for them to reopen. Similarly, the Shakespeare Club of Grafton is adjusting to this in its 32nd season.
The Shakespeare Club of Grafton meets the second and fourth Monday each month from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Until further notice, the club will be reading and discussing the Bard’s works via Zoom (This may suit some current and potential members since one can comfortably participate from home enjoying an adult beverage of choice).
The first meeting of the new season will be on Monday, September 14 , via Zoom. President Mary Ann Brayer will communicate the invitation to current and new members and any changes which may occur.
It is customary for the club to study four plays between September and April. Interspersed may be films, speakers or single meeting topics or activities. A member offers to produce a play which is of particular interest and acts as the facilitator providing background information and leading discussions.
“Much Ado About Nothing,” produced by Manas Sarma, will be the season opener. “King Lear,” produced by Gary Zelch ,will add variety followed by Donna Coleman with “Richard II.”
Occasionally, a member will offer a work from a different era and author. This year Peg Ferraro will school the group on “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde. The play waiting in the wings if time permits is “The Caucasian Chalk Circle” by Bertolt Brecht.
The Shakespeare & Company season was canceled, preventing the club’s annual trip to Lenox. Fortunately, productions can be seen on line on YouTube or other sites and on film or as live readings on Zoom by the Commonwealth Shakespeare Company.
At the Annual Meeting in April, the new officers accepted their posts with President Mary Ann Brayer, Vice President Manas Sarma, Secretary Cathy Thornton, Treasurer Steve Sardella and Casting Director Gary Zelch taking charge for 2020-21.
Visitors are invited to sit in and meet the members of the Shakespeare Club of Grafton from the comfort of their own homes to see if the club might interest them on Monday, September 14 at 7:30 p.m.
“For here, I hope, begins our lasting joy,” to quote Will Shakespeare in the plague year 2020.
Check out graftonshakespeare.org or email info@shakespeare.org to learn that “The Play’s the Thing,” the club’s motto.
Too bad. Both of us are committed to meetings on the second and forth Mondays…