
You need to make my chicken-corn chowder immediately (it’s a recipe, not a news story)

It’s Super Bowl weekend, the Patriots aren’t playing, and there’s yet more snow in the forecast.

It’s February. I’m giving you a chowder recipe that will warm you up after shoveling and put you in enough of a happy food coma that you could hibernate for the rest of the winter.

This is the result of a trip to an RV dealer about a decade ago, where they tried to sweeten the deal on a hybrid camper by feeding us corn chowder with tiny bits of chicken in it. I spent the drive home mulling over what I could possibly have done to make that chowder better, occasionally saying to Steve, “it wasn’t creamy enough!” or “It just tasted like creamed corn!” or just blurting out ingredients. “Cheese! Tomatoes! Some darned spice!”

I am a terrific car conversationalist and Steve is a saint.

We did end up buying a camper and, with a bit of tinkering around, I came up with a better chicken-corn chowder.

Jenn’s Chicken-Corn Chowder

2 cups cooked chicken

1 chopped onion

2 chopped celery stalks

1 cup shredded or sliced carrots

2 cloves garlic, minced

3 tablespoons butter

1 cup chicken broth

1 tsp ground cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

2 cups half and half

2 cups Pepper Jack cheese, shredded

1 can creamed corn

1 can Ro-tel tomatoes

In a dutch oven, brown onions, celery, and garlic in butter, add chicken. Add broth and cumin, simmer before adding carrots, corn, and tomatoes. Simmer another 3 minutes. Stir in cream — don’t allow to boil — and add cheese, stirring frequently to melt.

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