
You can now take a walk on Cassie Brown’s Eagle Trail behind the Grafton Library

Cassie Brown has spent the past few weekends in the woods with an array of volunteers, clearing the way for a nature trail behind the Grafton Public Library.

It’s been a lot of work for the 14-year-old, a member of Boy Scout Troop 2019, Grafton’s all-girl troop. She’s planned the trail, appeared before the Select Board, gathered tools, and marshaled her volunteers to create a bit of order while maintaining the property’s beauty. Her final day of volunteer work was Sunday.

“I have a few more things to finish up on my own before the trail is *officially* done, but I will make an announcement for the trail’s official opening when that day comes!” Brown wrote in a message to volunteers. “For now the Eagle Trail is functional for all those who would like to use it! It is located off the back of the Library Parking Lot.”

Huge thanks to all of our volunteers, especially but not limited to: Lee Pidacks, The Noga family .The Smiths, The McKouls, Ciara and Dina Jamieson, Doug Bowman, The McDonalds, The Gormans, The Breecher Family, Larry Drew, Mike Salloum, Ella Reed, The Gervais family, Ben Zinkowsky, The Gagnon Family, The Gale family, The Grady Family, Brooke Macjewski, Ernie from the DPW, Patty and Chuck Brown.

Also a huge thanks to those who donated money and goods including Larry Drew, Michael Moore, David Muradian, Pepperoni Express, Koopman Lumber, Bread Guy Breads, and the Town of Grafton.

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