What to do — and what NOT to do — with your Christmas tree in Grafton

Beginning on Thursday, Dec. 26 and ending on Saturday, Jan., 18, 2020, the Grafton Highway Barn, located at 27 Upton Street, will have an area set aside for the disposal of Christmas trees only.

The disposal area will be located in front of the garage, outside the main gate and accessible at any time to all Grafton residents. Remove all plastic (i.e., trash bags, plastic ties/rope, shrink wrap, etc.) from your tree before dropping it off.

The Public Works Department asks that you not bring your tree to the brush dump on Millbury Street. The brush dump is closed for the Winter and will not re-open until the Spring. Please do not leave any trees outside the gate to the brush dump.

The Town of Grafton does not offer curbside pick-up. However, Grafton Boy Scout Troop 107 will pick up trees on Jan. 4, 2020, and Jan. 11, 2020 by reservation only in exchange for a donation. Contact 508-243-7797 or email graftontroop107@gmail.com.