What forgotten items linger in Grafton’s empty schools?

When Grafton students left their schools on March 13 for the emergency pandemic closure, they had no idea it was for the last time.

As a result, there were things left behind. Desks filled with school books and treasures in elementary school classrooms. Hats, coats, projects, and lockers where forgotten food may fester.

“I’m getting this question daily: when can I get my stuff?” Superintendent of Schools Jay Cummings said.

For now, aside from cleaning by a custodial staff determined to rid every surface of COVID-19 virus, the buildings are empty, almost completely frozen in time. 

Cummings said he is waiting on the go-ahead from the state to open the buildings for students to fetch their things, most likely in a highly staggered fashion. 

Critical items, like medications and electronics, have already been passed to parents by principals.

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