Volunteers deck out Grafton Common for the holidays

When Santa Claus dropped by Grafton Common during Grafton Celebrates the Holidays, several people noticed a few things were missing — mainly lights, a Christmas tree, and other decor.

The answer was fairly simple. A car took out one of the new entrance arches and an electrical box on the Common in late October, leaving the revamped park literally powerless. While a little bit of electricity was available to provide some light during Santa’s visit, it was only a temporary measure.

A group of residents contacted the Grafton Recreation Department and asked for permission to make the Common a bit more festive, getting together on Facebook to round up wreaths, bows, a tree for the bandstand/gazebo, and other holiday decor. On Sunday, the group sprinkled a little holiday cheer.

Today was the day. We had helpers, Bob and Celeste, Pete and Deb, Amanda and John and their three sons. John also brought the Christmas music.  Kate, Doug and Mason. Donations from Perrault Nursery. Mary did the red bows, Dunkin for the coffee, hot cocoa, and donuts, the men from Grafton Cemetery brought us pine cones and branches from the pine trees, Grafton Grill, Steve Belfoire, donated the Christmas Tree in the band stand. Cindy Libbe, Beatz Dance Studio donated all the wreaths — and lots of trees and bushes that donated there branches and berries. 

The Common is done, it is beautiful, we hope you will enjoy it when you drive buy or while walking your pets.

 While decorating a women with her duck in a carriage came to sit for awhile, another came with her rabbit, many many dogs all going to have their picture with Santa Paws as did the bunny.  

Her is my complaint to the historical society, Why on earth did you buy a small pine tree to replace our mammoth one, Grafton owns a tree farm as in Christmas Trees — huge — you could get a beautiful giant tree for free and have the highway department transplant it… so please give us a decent tree to decorate next year.  

Thank for all the support you gave.

Deborah Adams