State grant will assist Grafton restaurants affected by COVID-19

The Planning Department has been awarded $50,000 in grant funding from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

This funding comes in the form of a Local Rapid Recovery grant, which will be used to develop actionable project-based recovery plans for Grafton businesses facing economic challenges due to COVID19. 

“I’m thrilled to receive this grant,” said John Allen, Grafton’s Economic Development Coordinator. “I believe we will be able to put it to great use in helping our local restaurants recover from the strain of COVID-19.”

The LRR Plan will include analysis and exploration of the challenges and barriers businesses have faced, with a focus on developing strategies and project recommendations to help achieve their recovery goals. An outside consultant will provide technical assistance and will help seed ideas for projects, best practices, and webinars. 

Communities and Plan Facilitators will be matched together and work to assess the impact of COVID-19 and convene community partners. This effort will culminate in plans that summarize the impact assessment and offer clear project recommendations. 

Grafton was partnered with KARP Strategies and began work on this project in late February. The consultant has narrowed the area of focus to the sections of Route 140 and Route 30 from High Street to Route 122. 

It is estimated that the Recovery Plan devised under this program will be finalized by the end of June.