Need help disposing of your Christmas tree? Troop 107 can help

Right now, that lovingly decorated Christmas tree in your home is the centerpiece of holiday cheer.

Come next week, it will be a needle-shedding potential fire hazard that needs to be divested of its ornaments, thanked for its service, and disposed of… somewhere.

This is where BSA Troop 107 is offering their services.

As a community service and fundraiser, Troop 107 is picking up Christmas trees in Grafton on January 8, 2022 (weather permitting) in return for a donation to help support the costs of summer came and other scouting events.

Interested in having your Christmas tree picked up? Email or call 508-887-3795.

Trees for removal should be outside your home by 8 a.m. on January 8, 2022.

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