
Looking for a job? Try substitute teaching in Grafton

The Grafton Public School District is actively seeking substitute teachers, who have been notably scarce since students returned full-time after the COVID-19 shutdown,

The School Committee recently raised the rates for substitutes per day by $10 to stay competitive with area school districts.

The rates are now:

  • $90/day for non-certified individuals;
  • $95/day for certified individuals;
  • $105/day for certified, retired Grafton teachers.

Staff have been asked to step into roles that normally would be covered by substitutes. Among them: Superintendent of Schools James Cummings and Assistant Superintendent Kristin Gasper.

Substitute teaching candidates must be at least 18 years of age and hold a minimum of a high school diploma or GED.  Schools call in substitutes whenever full-time employees get sick, travel, or take personal time.  

A CORI background check and fingerprinting is required. To apply, visit the substitute teaching page.

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