Letter: Yeomans expresses opposition to Super Park

To the Editor:

I read Justin Wood’s timely review in today’s post on “GraftonCommon.com” of the Community Preservation Commission’s (CPC) meeting held on Thursday, March 26 wherein he described his vote opposing the Commission’s decision to bring forth this now $2.6 million Super Park Project to our upcoming Annual Town Meeting (whenever that may be) for a vote.

I applaud Justin’s Wood’s review of the facts surrounding their CPC meeting and his sound reasoning for Grafton residents to be opposed to the Super Park Project.

Since its inception, I too have been opposed to this “over the top” Super Park plan. I feel that if approved, our multiple and needy neighborhood parks will suffer greatly in the future as a result.

Improvements and upgrades to our convenient neighborhood parks will no longer be a priority. These parks are a vital part of serving our many neighborhoods throughout the town; they deserve and require ongoing attention and upgrades.

I ask that you attend Town Meeting (whenever it’s held) and consider voting against these two planned SuperPark Warrant Articles.  Cordial thanks for your thoughtful attention.

Bill Yeomans
South Grafton

One thought on “Letter: Yeomans expresses opposition to Super Park

  • March 31, 2020 at 7:52 am

    Anyone supporting this multi million dollar playground, during this crisis, with an understaffed PD and the recognized need for a full time FD, is delusional.

    That this group is endorsing a playground next to active railroad tracks on toxic soil is further proof that this group has an agenda written during an episode of the Twilight Zone.

    There are 2 petitions certified by the Town Clerk to block the SuperPark and use the money in hand to enhance and maintain our current parks. Support your friends and neighbors with common sense.

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