Letter: ‘This board is going to lead us through some unprecedented difficult times and choices’

Dear fellow Grafton residents,

I have lived in this town for 15 years and this is the first time that I’ve felt compelled to write a
letter of endorsement for someone running for public office. I am proud to give my endorsement
for Select Board to Colleen Roy.

Colleen embodies all of the qualities that one looks for in a leader. She is level headed, smart,
and is able to simultaneously be both respectful of others opinions and tenacious about her
own. When answers are needed, she is not afraid to ask pointed and intelligent questions.

These qualities are always important, but with the current issues that our town is facing, they
are more important than ever. This board is going to lead us through some unprecedented
difficult times and choices, and I can’t think of someone who will be more open minded and
clear headed about each decision we face. Please join me in voting for Colleen Roy on June

Angelina Correia