Letter: Sue Robbins endorses Amy Marr for School Committee

I have observed over the past three years a remarkable individual serving on the School Committee and that’s Amy Marr.  She’s remarkable because she holds herself to higher standards when it comes to advocating for our children in Grafton.  She understands what is needed for students to graduate and become confident in whatever they choose to do later in life.  Her openness and honesty, as well as her candor, is what is needed to ensure a quality education for our children. She accepts challenges head on and doesn’t turn away from controversial issues.   She is committed to answering all questions to the best of her ability regardless of where one stands on an issue or what one’s belief system may be.  

Her intelligence, her eagerness to continue to learn how best to serve our children and her inexhaustible drive to communicate openly to the community of parents is what our educational system deserves.

Being on the School Committee is a full-time commitment to understanding all the requirements of State mandates, the intricate details of school finances, policies, and the need to achieve the necessary balance given finite resources.  Because of her willingness to devote time and energy above and beyond the call of duty, and all the experience and knowledge she has acquired, her reelection will continue the momentum of progress that Grafton has made over the last three years. I endorse Amy Marr and encourage you to vote for her on May 17.

Sue Robbins (former School Committee member and current Finance Committee member)

Candidate endorsements may be sent to jennifer@graftoncommon.com. Guidelines are here.