Letter: Coping with anxiety under the COVID-19 quarantine

Anxiety/stress relief is key to living a healthy and happy lifestyle, especially during these difficult times of quarantine.  Living and coping with anxiety myself, I understand how difficult it can be, and I can definitely see how much this quarantine is affecting people with anxiety.  

What can make a difference is coping skills. Whether it is deep breathing or going for a walk, it all matters and can change your mindset at a current time of panic or overall stress.  

I am no therapist, in fact, I am just a typical 17 year old girl. But, over a period of time I have gathered some awesome ways of coping with my everyday anxiety, which I hope can help you!  

Firstly, exercise. It can be as simple as going for a walk, or following a ten minute video on stretching. All forms of exercise are beneficial for the mind and body. 

Second, self care! Personally, I love self care, because it’s limitless!  You can take a relaxing bubble bath, spend time with your pet or loved one, or even as simple as digging into your favorite book or Netflix series. 

Lastly, journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you get out any stress or anger you have, rather than keeping it all on the inside. Journaling, especially while COVID-19 is around is also a good way to document this moment in history. While this may not be a pleasant time, this can be something you can tell your kids, your grandkids, and so on one day. 

I leave you with this: Anxiety is not who you are, it is only a piece of you. Stay healthy and stay safe Grafton!

Lizie Torteson