Letter: Brissette family asks ‘are you okay with our schools going underfunded?

I’ve called Grafton home for 10 years, but my affection for the town deepened as my daughter
started kindergarten and I began to realize the benefits of the town’s school system. You know
the expression “a mom is the heart of the home;” to me, Grafton Public Schools is the heart of
the community.
For the past two years, my daughter has attended North Grafton Elementary School and she
loves it. The principal, the teachers, the fellow students– I can’t say enough about the amazing
work and effort that goes into supporting the students.
As Covid-19 has pushed us to remote learning, it has further highlighted how important GPS is
in our lives. My daughter misses school and all the positives it brings to her life. Each day
included music and songs, arts and crafts, recess and physical activity, science experiments,
yoga, games, and technology, all wrapped in the support of the teachers who make it all happen
and mean so much to her.
It’s upsetting the town is in the fiscal situation that it is in. In any given year it can be hard for
many residents to absorb the annual tax increase– and now an override. But at this time, you
have to ask yourself:
Are you okay with our schools going underfunded? Not just for a year but for the foreseeable
Are you okay with teacher positions being reduced and class sizes increasing to upwards of 30
kids a class?
Are you okay with kids losing access to athletics, technology, arts, and music?
We must come together to advocate for our school system and for the betterment of our town.
Here’s what I know:
• GPS plays an influential role in my children’s lives. It has become a part of their identity.
• GPS teachers work hard and bring high quality teaching methods to the classroom and
they do it with passion and deep care for their students.
• Superintendent Cummings is a leader who I trust and who I have confidence in.
Throughout the last year when he has addressed the school’s budget challenges, he has
exhibited a thoughtful and measured approach. He is a voice of reason who brings the
leadership our schools so desperately need.
With the upcoming town vote, here’s what I’m choosing:
• To move forward and be hopeful
• To take pride in our town and invest in our schools
• To deliver a quality educational experience to the children of Grafton
• To take care of my community by supporting our fire department to help keep us safe
• To bring in new representation to the select board to lead the town in a better direction
with good decision making, action, and accountability.
You have that choice before you too. Cast your vote by absentee ballot or in-person on June 23
and vote yes to fund the override.
Alison and Adam Brissette

One thought on “Letter: Brissette family asks ‘are you okay with our schools going underfunded?

  • May 29, 2020 at 11:41 am

    The current unemployment rate is 13.6% as of April. While we never expected the Covid 19 pandemic. Now is not the time for an override. It’s time for a level funded budget. Once the economy comes back, it should be placed back on the docket.

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