Grinch caught gifting toys at Grafton Police ‘Fill the Cruiser’

Grafton Police filled a cruiser (and quite a bit more) with toys Saturday during its annual Fill the Cruiser event.

Residents piled the lawn outside of Homefield Credit Union high with toys for all ages, helping Grafton Police to defend its current title against the Uxbridge and Northbridge police departments.

“I am happy to report that Grafton is the Projected winner,” Officer Mark Benoit reported. “However, I have heard that Uxbridge and Northbridge Police may request a recount due to irregularities  in the count. It has been rumored that The Grinch, who was spotted at the Grafton site, is suspected to have been involved in a midnight toy dump that resulted in the projected landslide victory by Grafton.  

“But the real winner is the children who otherwise would not have a Christmas,” he added.

Grafton Police will continue to collect toys until December 12. They can be dropped off at the Homefield Credit Union, Savers’ Bank and the Grafton Police Station. If you live in the Blackstone Valley and are in need of assistance, contact Toys for Kids and teens at

“I especially would like to thank Homefield Credit Union, All Phase Glass, Grafton Lions Club, Saver’s Bank Grafton, and the Labbe Family,” Benoit said. “I also want to thank Chief Crepeau, Officer Collette, Officer Tripp, Officer Sullivan, Officer Alves, (AKA the Grinch), and Kelly and Julie from Homefield for their assistance at the toy drive.”