
Does the town of Grafton owe you money? Check this list.

Did you receive a check from the town of Grafton and forget to cash it within the last year? Your time is running out.

The town released a list of names of people and companies who were paid by the town — but for whatever reason, never collected the funds. Under Massachusetts General Law, c. 200A, sec. 9A, checks issued by the Town of Grafton are void if not cashed within one year of the date of issue.

Claim forms may be found here.

Completed Claim Forms must be submitted with all the required information and an original signature. Electronic copies, photocopies or faxed copies will not be accepted. All submissions must be received by August 16, 2021. Bring a photo ID for identification with you, or enclose a copy of your photo ID if you are submitting your application via mail.

  • 13 Centennial Realty LLC
  • AA Transportation Co
  • ADC Auto Rental
  • Agim Karkanjozi
  • Ajay Dubey
  • Alanna Patch
  • Alina Gainanova
  • American Girl Publishing Inc
  • Amy West
  • Andrew Grady Boris
  • Aric Friend
  • Ava Kopellas
  • Avidia Bank
  • Baldassarre,Gina A
  • Benchmark Office Systems Inc
  • Bernhard Winterling
  • Bose Corporation
  • Bracero, Kathy
  • Brad Evan Harris
  • Brendan Donohue
  • Buchireddi Goli
  • C/W Mars Inc
  • Calvin Kaczynski
  • Camp Out Inc
  • Cara Hale
  • Carla Jackman
  • Carlo Brescia
  • Carrie-Ann Cadrin
  • Casey Clouthier
  • Catherine Mak
  • Charles Bodor
  • Charlotte Conlon
  • Charter Communications
  • Christopher Boilard
  • Christopher Caron
  • Cierra Snyder
  • Claire Dixon
  • Clean Energy Collective
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Corey Hendrix Johnson
  • Cumberland Farms Inc
  • Cynthia Paquin
  • Daniel Matthew Fiske
  • Dayse Conway
  • Dean Bennett
  • Deborah Howe
  • Dennis Flynn
  • Dennis Jonis
  • Dustin Walsh
  • Dylan Nephew
  • Elizabeth Gallaway
  • Elizabeth Zwicker
  • Emily Edgcomb
  • Emily Graves
  • Emily Groccia
  • Erika Sullivan
  • Ethan Bagloe
  • Fujimura, Ken Masui
  • G & L Plumbing Inc
  • Gallaway, Elizabeth
  • Gatehouse Media
  • George Lettery
  • Gyneth Novia
  • Holden Landmark Corporation
  • Hornung and Scimone – Attorneys at Law
  • Irene Au
  • Ivy Canabucci
  • Jake Little
  • James Cummings
  • James Lankford
  • James Schofield
  • James Stoll
  • Janet Edwards
  • Jayson Brooks
  • Jean Sudbey
  • Jeane Ferro
  • Jennifer Durost
  • Jenny Andersen
  • Jessica Mellow
  • Jocelyn Blessing
  • John Carrington
  • John Cofske
  • Jonathan Donohue
  • Julie Ahmed-Jussaume
  • Karyn McKeon
  • Kathlyn Laflamme
  • Kathryn Fidler
  • Kelley Moffett
  • Kenneth Manlove
  • Kerry Cahill
  • Kris Lee Charleston
  • Krystal Long
  • Lauren Flores-Walton
  • Law Offices of Hornung and Scimone
  • Lena Joy Hodge
  • Logan Donohue
  • Lynne Turner
  • Madeline Giese
  • Marie Malvey
  • Mark Mandella
  • Mass Association of Health Boards
  • Mass Cemetery Association
  • Mass Municipal Management Association
  • Matt Boris
  • Matthew Bazinet
  • Matthew Collette
  • Matthew Firmin
  • Maxwell Cruz
  • Mechanics Bliss Supply Co.
  • Melissa Mazan
  • Michael Maley
  • Michael Owen
  • Michael Sizensky
  • Millan-Eagleson, Heather
  • Mountain Ash Farm Garage
  • New England Interstate Water Pollution
  • Nissan Infiniti LT
  • Northeast Site Development LLC
  • Olivia Dungan
  • Paul Massalski
  • PC-Plus Technologies, Inc.
  • Perkins School For the Blind
  • Peter Foley
  • Phoenix Recycling Inc
  • Poster Compliance Center
  • Raymond Clouthier III
  • Rick Medeiros
  • Robert Amyot
  • Robert Gagne
  • Robert Gervais
  • Robert Gibson Jr.
  • Robert Hassinger
  • Rollinson, Laura
  • Ronita Panda
  • Samuel Kopec
  • Sango, Stacie
  • Sarah Morin
  • Sarah Nichols
  • Scheuer, Lauren K
  • Shannon Cincotta
  • Sheila Williams
  • Sindhu Potluri
  • Srinivasa Tanigundala
  • Stephanie Anderson
  • Stephanie Martone
  • Stephen Abraham
  • Steven Robbins
  • Steven Teixeira
  • Sung Hoon Kim
  • Susan Connolly
  • T-Mobile USA Inc
  • Tara Remillard
  • Terri Schmidt
  • Thomas Drake
  • Toyota Motor Credit Corp
  • Unisys Corporation
  • Verizon
  • Vidya Jagannathan
  • Vijaya Kattineni
  • Vipul Jain
  • Wayne Andrews
  • Wendy Reid
  • Wesley Hutchinson
  • Wheels LT
  • Zachary Livingston

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