Chief’s Column: How do you convince grandma to give up the car keys?

Because of an increase in unsafe driver reports, I felt it would be helpful to run this column again.

QUESTION: We have an elderly neighbor that is in the early stages of dementia. The spouse/caregiver is trying not to take away the independence of this person however; we are concerned for their safety and others, especially when it comes to driving. Could you provide any information that will assist caregivers and others who are dealing with the driver safety issues that the onset of dementia creates?

ANSWER: We all have an obligation to ensure that our roadways are safe for motorists and pedestrians. For the most part, mature or elderly drivers tend to be less involved in crashes as they take fewer chances when operating a motor vehicle. There does come a time however when the mature driver, due to slower reaction time, vision problems or the onset of dementia, must face the fact that his/her inability to drive safely endangers everyone on our roadways. To assist families in making difficult decisions as to dealing with the mature driver who may pose a safety risk, I am providing the following information obtained from the MA Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) web site at

For some mature drivers, the transition from driver to passenger occurs easily. For others, giving up the keys may be a very difficult decision to make. AARP suggests steps one should take when a family member shows signs of unsafe driving. In some cases, a driving evaluation, conducted at a hospital or rehabilitation center, may prove beneficial in determining if your family member is safe to operate. According to AARP, the first conversations about safety should occur long before driving becomes a problem.

It may be necessary to report the unsafe driver to the RMV. The RMV Medical Affairs Department accepts reports from: family members, physicians, law enforcement, or other interested third parties, including, but not limited to, members of the individual’s community (such as neighbors), private driving schools, physical therapists, etc. If an interested party chooses to report a possible unfit driver to the RMV, the report must be in writing and must be signed by the person making the report. The report must contain the name and address or name and telephone number of the complaining party. The report must contain identification of the individual whose driving ability is being questioned, including the name and at least one of the following: social security number, license, date of birth, and address. In addition, the report must contain the reason for the complaint and/or a description of the purported functional limitation.

The RMV will not disclose this information to anyone over the telephone. However, in compliance with the public record’s law, if the RMV receives a signed request from the person the complaint is about, they will provide a copy of the original complaint.

PLEASE REMEMBER: The above reporting procedure is recommended for persons concerned about drivers who are beginning to shows signs of driving impairment. If you see someone operating a motor vehicle and feel that their driving poses an immediate danger to the public, please call the Grafton Police Department at 508-839-5343 or 911 to report your observations.

Normand A. Crepeau, Jr.

Chief of Police