
Apple Tree Arts hits pause on auction to promote Black Lives Matter

Apple Tree Arts announced Friday that it is shutting down its online fundraiser to recognize the continued national unrest after protests over the death of George Floyd — videoed as he died with a Minneapolis Police officer’s knee on his neck — turned violent.

Their statement:

In solidarity with the Black community, Apple Tree Arts is taking an extended intermission and pausing the Act 3: Conversation with an Artist auction until a later date.

Thanks to the sponsors who are supporting our mission-inspired auction: Homefield Credit Union, Apollo Piano Company and Beatz Dance Studio. Thank you also to local businesses for donating items and gift certificates. We appreciate the artists, musicians, performers and other professionals working in music, theatre, film and/or TV who agreed to donate a half-hour conversation with the winning bidder. We are not cancelling Conversation with an Artist, it is respectfully on hold at this time.

Theatre and music have a powerful role to play in creating understanding when there is division, love where there is hatred, and peace where there is conflict. We take this moment to reflect and reconfirm our commitment to equity, empathy, justice and inclusion. Black lives matter. Our Black students, families, friends, performers, audience members and colleagues matter. We see you. We stand with you. We are listening.