Reporter’s Notebook: Weathervane is grounded, interns join GCTV, disability-friendly vaccines
Most of the the time, you have to climb to the very tip of the Unitarian Universalist Church to get a good look at the weathervane — and chances are, your enjoyment of the piece will be diminished by fear of heights and the view itself.
During Grafton Celebrates the Holidays on Sunday, Rev. Daniel Gregoire
took great delight in showing off the church’s new crown — a specially made aluminum piece that hopefully stays put for decades to come.
But first, the damage created by the former six-foot-tall, gilded cast iron piece needs to be repaired. A summer windstorm brought down the weathervane, and it left its mark on the steeple, roof, and front of the church all the way down.
The church will also be upgrading its electrical and information technology capabilities to support ongoing live broadcasts of church services on the Internet as well as improving handicapped access.

Three Grafton High School students are the new GCTV interns and will be learning the tricks of the community television trade.
Freshman Sophia Kling — already known to GCTV viewers as the host of Bus Stop Weather — and juniors Cadence Tucker and Madi Otis were introduced by GCTV manager at last week’s School Committee meeting.
VaxAbilities is hosting disability-friendly vaccine events across Massachusetts. These events will have extra staff on hand to provide skilled support to people with disabilities and/or sensory support needs.
Most of these events will offer COVID vaccinations for children ages 5 and up, as well as adult initial vaccines and boosters. People with and without disabilities can get vaccinated – including the whole family ages 5+ or staff that may come supporting people with a disability.
Sign up at to find dates and locations.
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