
Property may be taken for South Grafton Main Street Improvement Project

Major improvements to Main Street in South Grafton are among the town’s top plans for 2020 — and that may require the town to take some property along the way.

The town is hosting meetings about the South Grafton Main Street Improvement Project at the South Grafton Community Project on Jan. 6 and Jan. 8, 2020, from 3 to 6 p.m. on both days.

The project is approximately 2.05 miles in length and consists of new sidewalks with improved handicap accessibility, new and reset granite curbing and a reconstructed/resurfaced roadway with bicycle accommodating shoulders. Minor intersection realignments and drainage system improvements are also proposed.

The planned improvements to Main Street will enhance and improve access to the three historical mill villages within South Grafton and support opportunities for economic development along the corridor.

A Design Public Hearing will be held by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation on Feb. 27, 2020, at South Grafton Elementary School, 7 p.m.