
37 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Grafton this week, 12 in schools

Grafton had 37 new cases of COVID-19 this week as Massachusetts experienced two straight days of record high pandemic numbers.

Twelve of those cases were in the Grafton Public Schools, although none were traced to in-school exposure. 

The latest data released by the state Department of Public Health showed positive test rates are rapidly rising, with 6,477 cases reported Thursday and 4,613 cases reported Wednesday, record highs since the pandemic hit the state in March.

Since March, 10,637 people have died from Covid complications, 11 in Grafton.

The state data posted Thursday reported 2,282 tests were administered to Grafton residents over 14 days, resulting in 87 positives. Worcester County overall had 4,363 new cases over the same period, with 107,004 tested over that time.