
With 50-year-old Grafton Middle School HVAC failing, $1.96 million fix proposed

Every student who enters Grafton Middle School quickly learns the truth about the building’s unique ecosystem.

There are days in the winter where the heat just doesn’t seem to be working and their students huddle in their coats. In another part of the school on the same day, the coats must be shed because it’s too hot.

“Facility-wise what keeps me up at night is the heating and ventilation at Grafton Middle School,” Superintendent of Schools James Cummings told the School Committee Tuesday night.

Cummings is recommending a complete heating and ventilation system replacement at the former high school which would include something new for a Grafton school building: air conditioning. The building’s “envelope” would be sealed and new ventilation controls would be added.

Total cost: $1,968,062, paid over 20 years with an annual payment of $127,749.

Besides the constant concern that the 50-year-old HVAC system will fail, the upgrade brings a guaranteed energy savings of $28,000 in the first year, growing each year up to $49,000 a year, Cummings said.

The project can be paid for by the annual funds allocated to the schools by the town, typically $250,000-$500,000 annually. Should a year come when the town cannot provide that funding, the school department can utilizing its revolving fund account for the debt payment, he added.

The School Committee will vote on the measure at a future meeting.

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