
What are the specifics of COVID-19 violations cited by the Grafton Board of Health?

When the Select Board meets tonight, they’re getting down to the business of, well, business. And as they look to renew liquor, victualler, and entertainment licenses, there’s an especially 2020 variable.

How is the business handling COVID-19?

A bit of a preview was provided by the Board of Health last week as it met with the Select Board to discuss violations. The list of those businesses with reported violators — which resulted in a fine for just one restaurant — was released in the Select Board’s meeting packet. No dates were listed for the complaints.

First up is New Fancy Pizza, a South Grafton shop whose owner claimed in various social media conversations that the $300 fine was from one instance of a customer not wearing a mask. The report notes numerous instances of employees not wearing masks properly (which the owner said during a site visit was due to being hot while cooking), employees wearing mass under their chins, and employees not wearing masks at the counter, which did not have a plexiglass barrier.

Other businesses:

BUSHEL & PECK — An employee was not wearing a mask or only wearing a face shield, which was determined to be due to a medical condition.

CUMBERLAND FARMS — Numerous reports of employees not wearing masks in both the center and the north locations. Customers not wearing masks reported at the self-service coffee stations in all three locations. A complaint was sent to the Department of Labor Standards because Cumberland Farms’ corporate policy is to not have employees tell customers to wear masks to protect employee safety. A cashier was also reported to chew gum, remove a mask to spit it into a cup, and put the mask back on (the employee later quit after the manager was notified). 

DUNKIN DONUTS — Customers seated in the outdoor area were not wearing mask. The manager later blocked the area off. Employees reported without masks with no social distancing.

2 PETERS CATERING AT GRAFTON FLEA MARKET — No masks, no social distancing by vendors and patrons (numerous). Owner contacted and advised of regulations, responded with photos of signs posted about wearing masks. A drive-by of the flea market showed no masks or social distancing.  “Owner notified – he stated has signs posted everywhere and makes announcements.”

HUBBARD SOFTBALL FIELD — Tournaments being held, owner notified – will be in compliance with all new regulations.

LAKEVIEW PIZZA — Cook not wearing mask, owner contacted  and made aware of rules/regulations.

STOP & SHOP — Employees not wearing masks (numerous complaints). Customers not wearing masks. Site visits made, managers contacted.

PEPPERONI EXPRESS — Employees not wearing masks or gloves (numerous). Owner contacted, reminded of new regulations. 

PUB 122 — Complaint that wwner never wears a mask. Owner denies, is reminded of regulations. 

TOWN HOUSE TAVERN — Outdoor eating area is less than 6 feet apart and not being enforced. No food just alcohol being served. Customers are inside and outside and spilling into the street drinking. A site visit showed tables in compliance, signage regarding social distancing. Facility closed due to Covid until further notice.

OASIS HOT TUBS — Facility was open during Covid, owner was contacted and the facility was closed.

GRAFTON INN / HUNTERS GRILL — Outdoor tent has dining, dancing and band. Owner was notified to come into compliance. 

DELISLE-GOULET AMERICAN LEGION POST #92 — Not wearing masks or social distancing during site visits. No masks or social distancing in the outdoor patio area. Manager contacted, found in compliance at next site visit.

HIGHLAND EQUESTRIAN CENTER — Owner and some employees reported without masks; voicemail left for owner.

GIBSON KENNELS — Some employees and owner reported to be not wearing masks, voicemail and email sent.

REUNION TAP & TABLE — Band with singing inside tent. Band members not 10 feet apart from each other and band not 25 feet apart from first patron. Band not in compliance with entertainment regulations. Numerous on all above, owner(s) contacted numerous times, state contacted. 

NORTH GRAFTON POST OFFICE — “Clerk never wears mask or uses plexiglass (numerous).” 

GENERAL BUSINESSES — Numerous calls on numerous businesses in town employers not requiring employees to wear masks Customers complaining employees not social distancing or wearing masks properly.

One thought on “What are the specifics of COVID-19 violations cited by the Grafton Board of Health?

  • Joe Kuras

    19 businesses cited but no one can stand up to explain why only 1 was fined?
    I don’t get it.

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