
The cookies are coming! Grafton Girl Scouts start sales this week

Chances are you’ve run out of Thin Mints and Samoas, probably months ago.  If that’s the case, you’re in luck because January 17 is the official start date of the Girl Scout Cookie Sale in Grafton!

You might be hearing that your neighbors already have some cookies, and that’s okay.  They either bought them from a Girl Scout in the eastern council or maybe they pre-ordered with a local Girl Scout over the holidays. The official sale, with nearly 200 Grafton Girl Scouts working cookie booths on weekends at Stop and Shop and selling door to door, starts this Friday and goes through March 8.

The $5/box favorites are back this year, including Thin Mints, Samoas, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, and Tagalongs, as well as the popular S’mores cookies and gluten-free Toffee Tastics at $6.  But a new lemon cookie is making its debut this year – Lemon-Ups are a large, crispy lemon cookie featuring messages inspired by Girl Scout entrepreneurs. This tasty treat is also $5 and replaces the Savannah Smiles.

But it’s not just about delicious cookies that you can only get once a year. The Girl Scout Cookie Sale is a nearly century-long tradition that teaches Girl Scouts important life and business skills, such as money management, public speaking, and decision making. Plus, proceeds from the sale stay in the local area, as troops use their earnings for impactful community projects, outdoor adventures, amazing trips, and much more.  A portion of the sale also funds the local council programming for area troops, including the Geek is Glam STEM event for grades 4-8 and of course the Girl Scout camps located in Spencer and Harvard.

So how do you find these cookie peddling Girl Scouts?  One way is to go to Stop and Shop on a Saturday or Sunday between 9 a.m and 3 p.m.  There’s usually a troop or two selling. If you know a local Girl Scout, reach out to her family and let them know you’d like to buy cookies.  If you’d like to have a Girl Scout visit you, reach out to the Grafton MA Girl Scouts on Facebook!

And if cookies aren’t for you, but you’d like to help the Girl Scouts meet their goals, you have a few options.  You can donate boxes of cookies to our servicemen and women. Or you can designate your purchase to be donated to the food bank. Or you could buy boxes and take them to your local church, or a bookclub meeting.  

Whatever you choose, the cookies are coming…