Talkin’ trash: Grafton PAYT bag fees will increase as of January 1

Trash bag costs will rise to $7 for a small roll, $12.60 for a large as of January 1, 2022 to help subsidize trash costs that were formerly offset by residential recycling.
The Pay As You Throw program was first introduced in 2009 as a method to both lower trash costs and reduce the amount of trash incinerated by the town. At the time, recycling was a cost savings, as well as healthier for the environment.
But times have changed. Recycling is no longer a profitable measure after China banned the import of recyclable materials. Grafton residents are frustrated by the flimsiness of the required PAYT bags, which now cost $5 for a small bag roll and $9 for large bag roll.. And the town still needs to dispose of trash.
Town Administrator Evan Brassard said he’s looked into alternatives to the current bags but has run into some issues — the same company Grafton uses is also used by surrounding towns and the majority of bag companies are only offering the problematic drawstring bags.
“I want to make sure we don’t get the same bag for a higher price,” Brassard added. He is now working with two companies that make municipal solid waste bags and is waiting on pricing.
Brassard also looked into a sticker option and received negative feedback. Towns reported the stickers fell off bags in wet weather, were frequently stolen from bags, and also provided no control over the size of the bags themselves.
“The entire model of pay as you throw is to charge the people who are making the higher amount of waste more money,” he said.
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