
Select Board rejects Turgeon’s appointment to Disability Commission

Teri Turgeon is a longtime advocate for students with disabilities, served on the School Committee for a decade, and is the director of community programs for the Perkins School for the Blind.

She’s also one of the reasons why the Select Board chose to shut down the Q&A feature on Zoom.

Turgeon was rejected Tuesday night for a vacant spot on the town’s Disability Commission, 3-2, as Select Board members simultaneously praised her advocacy for people with disabilities while criticizing her onslaught of comments and questions during the board’s virtual meetings.

“Teri, your resume is impeccable and I think your life experience is impeccable as well,” Select Board member Mathew Often said. He added that he had felt “harassed” by Turgeon”s comments via Zoom in the past.

Select Board member Ed Prisby added that people steer themselves away from public service because of such criticism, something which he said played a role in his decision not to seek re-election this year.

“It’s one thing to be opinionated. it’s another to get a little bit abusive about it,” Prisby said,

But Select Board member Doreen DeFazio said Turgeon’s service to the community and extensive experience should be the deciding factor in the appointment.

“We are not going to find another person who brings such value to the commission,” she said, noting that this is Turgeon’s second bid to get a seat on the Disability Commission. “Can I promise that Teri won’t have an outburst if she serves on the commission? No.”

Select Board member Colleen Roy was taken aback by the idea that “outbursts” would be a cause of concern.

But Select Board Chair Peter Carlson, who served with Turgeon on the School Committee, said Turgeon’s support of students with special needs is without question.

Prisby, Often, and Roy voted against Turgeon’s appointment, while Carlson and DeFazio were in support. The vacancy remains on the Disability Commission.

Turgeon quietly left the Zoom session but later in the evening made a statement to Grafton Common: “I guess what I would say is this: it’s incredibly unfortunate for the disability community and the commission that leads this incredible work, that because of some hurt feelings and disagreements on behalf of the board of selectman and myself, they couldn’t appoint me, the most qualified and only applicant to do this work.

“I know that disagreement is part of our public service work and ensuring that everyone is part of the process,” she added.” It saddens me that because of this, I’m, most qualified, am not able to serve in this role, and advocate for Grafton residents with disabilities.”

Something went wrong!

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5 thoughts on “Select Board rejects Turgeon’s appointment to Disability Commission

  • A glad citizen

    Good. These comments here are so incredibly off base. There’s a difference between being engaged and harassment, and she crossed that line several times. I’ve seen nothing but obstruction and negativity from the various comments across social media from her.

  • John Stephens

    Is it too late for Teri to run for Selectman? We desperately need people to serve who care about Grafton and want to make a positive impact. These vendettas are tearing apart the town and must stop.

    • Edward Prisby

      This wasn’t about a vendetta, this was about someone who simply could not control herself during our meetings to the point where we LITERALLY had to change the rules of engagement with the public because of her.

      But speaking of vendettas, you probably ought to know. I started speaking truth to power, and your friends had me removed from the Affordable Housing Trust when I discovered that they “misdirected” over one million dollars in affordable housing money to “other things” back in 2015. And affordable housing is part of the CPC baileywick as far as funding and philosophy goes.

      It’s weird to me, that you being such a champion of the people, that you never spoke up about that. Or maybe your personal feelings colored your perception of events. You know, that sort of thing can tear a community apart.

  • Lydia Bogar

    Why is there no written outrage over the treatment of Teri Turgeon during Tuesday’s meeting? She was insulted and attacked for her voice, one of the most intelligent and articulate in Town, because some members of the Board seem to have a personal vendetta against her for speaking out in prior Zoom sessions.

    What’s the headcount of residents watching these meetings? How many are watching on local cable? How many are reading the local news online?
    Does anyone care anymore? Who will attend Town Meeting whenever and wherever it is? How many will take the time to vote?

    The Select Board needs to apologize to Teri, and her application to serve on the Disability Commission should be reconsidered. There are a lot of things “to fix” in Town and it should start with the five members of the Select Board.

  • Wow!! Just “Wow”!!!

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