
Reporter’s Notebook: Marr steps up, Pignataro steps down, and Covid has left the building (for now)

Congratulations to Amy Marr, who was elected School Committee chair at Tuesday’s reorganization meeting.

Marr, now entering her third year on the committee, was nominated by outgoing chair Laura Often, who has now led the committee three times during her time in office.

Often quickly nominated herself as vice chair explaining “we have a tough year ahead and we need some strength in that position.” The committee agreed.

Elizabeth Spinney was elected secretary.

Both Often and Spinney were re-elected to the School Committee during Saturday’s election. Neither were opposed.


As he flashed a picture of Jim Pignataro on a slide, Superintendent of Schools Jay Cummings said “look at that handsome mug.”

That’s just the tip of the iceberg of expected praise for Pignataro in the coming weeks. The Grafton High School principal announced his retirement Monday, capping off about 16 years as GHS principal, 34 years total as a member of the Grafton Public Schools staff.

Cummings said filling Pignataro’s shoes will be challenging. “Jim’s an exceptional person, an exceptional leader, an exceptional educator.” 

Here’s the question: When “Mr. Pig” presides over the Class of 2021’s graduation on June 4, will he tell them, as he’s told many classes before them, that they’re his favorite? Since he will never pick a favorite class again, that’s a trophy that may even be worth missing out on Homecoming celebrations. That will be bragging rights indeed for a group of students who will be remembered as the school’s Covid Class.


Speaking of COVID-19, Cummings said there have been no Covid cases in the past two weeks after weeks with few new infections. This gives school officials the rare occasion to breathe deep with relief during the pandemic.

But for now, they need to do that with masks on.

The mask mandate, which Gov. Charlie Baker recently lifted in public spaces, remains in force in the schools — and that includes the summer enrichment programs.

Students 12 and up are now eligible to receive the Covid vaccine. The youngest students, for now, remain unvaccinated.

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