Reporter’s Notebook: Keep Grafton weird

To: GSX Ventures
Whereas: The company was awarded the project to transform 17 and 27 Upton Street into a retail/residential complex;
Whereas: The former dairy barn at 17 Upton Street is set to be preserved and turned into a brew pub;
Whereas: The top floor, looking upon the Grafton Inn and Grafton Common, is the longtime residence of a mannequin head that has thrilled generations;
Whereas: We kindly request that you retain said creepy mannequin head, recognizing its squatter’s rights and important status as a piece of Weird Grafton.
Photo by Ian Scarlett
One unexpected downside to appointing a bunch of new town committee members at the end of June: Some realize just before their first meeting that they need to be sworn in by the town clerk.
Town Clerk Kandy Lavallee suggested to the Select Board that she could streamline the process by conducting mass swear-ins, setting up a session where everyone could raise their right hands and promise to uphold the rules and regulations as a governing member of the town of Grafton.
“This would just eliminate many many people coming in all at once the day before their committee is expected to meet,” Lavallee said.
Those who would be unable to make it to the swearpalooza (why am I picturing a bunch of people in white robes taking vows in the Municipal Center parking lot?) will still be able to schedule time for an individual session.
Speaking of new committee members, welcome Maura E, McCormack, the newest member of the Planning Board.
McCormack, appointed as associate member to a two-year term that expires in June 2023, expressed a desire to learn about the board’s role in the business of the town, despite the long list of board responsibilities and actions set out by Planning Board Chair David Robbins.
“Don’t forget, we do scenic road permits!” added Planning Board member Robert Hassinger.
The board’s associate member is required to attend meetings but usually does not vote unless an elected member is absent or has a conflict on an issue requiring a vote.
Select Board member Doreen Defazio praised her for stepping up to the task, noting that the town usually sees the same people applying for board slots.
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