
Padgett appointed to Grafton CPC over Prisby objections

Former Selectman Brook Padgett was appointed to the Community Preservation Committee Tuesday, despite allegations from Select Board member Ed Prisby that he had misused his prior position for personal gain.

The appointment was to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Richard Schultze, who died of COVID-19 complications at the end of April.

Both Prisby and Select Board member Peter Carlson expressed surprise that the committee vacancy had been filled so quickly, with both men indicating they were unaware of it. Carlson asked for the appointment be delayed a week since another candidate, Richard Whitney, expressed interest in the spot.

“Let me be really blunt here: the CPC is a really tight-knit group… when it starts to appear there’s an opening and your buddy fills it, it’s not a good look for the town,” Prisby said.

Town Administrator Tim McInerney said the position was advertised both on the town website and in a print ad in the Grafton News, in accordance with town policy.

“Let’s be honest, when’s the last time you picked up a print edition of the Grafton News?” Prisby scoffed.

Select Board member Donna Stock noted that a similar situation arose earlier in the year with the Disabilities Commission, and the board still went forward with the appointment of the first candidate. She moved to have Padgett appointed to the CPC.

Prisby responded by recalling that Padgett was a member of the Grafton Town House Oversight Committee and did not recuse himself when his brother, Sean Padgett, was approved to take over the master lease for the space formerly used by the Grafton Historical Society. That space is now the Town House Tavern, operated by Sean Padgett.

“The things you are saying are totally out of context,” Padgett interrupted, suggesting that Prisby file a complaint with the State Ethics Commission if it was such a concern to him.

Prisby continued to talk, suggesting that Padgett may not have the ability to determine between personal and public benefits when it comes to CPC funds.

“Ed enough,” Chairperson Jennifer Thomas said, repeatedly, as Prisby continued speaking. “Ed, ENOUGH!”

Padgett’s appointment passed, with Prisby and Carlson voting against.

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One thought on “Padgett appointed to Grafton CPC over Prisby objections

  • Lydia M Bogar

    This new appointment is an outrage, and for Chairman Thomas to shut up two other members of the Board is obscene. Has she ever read Roberts Rules of Order? Could she please stop playing with her hair like a fifth-grader?

    With the appointment of Mr. Padgett, who knows only the underbelly of the Conflict of Interest Law, this Board has created a cabal of self-interested residents whose business interests will always come before those of the Town.

    Time to get rid of Mrs. Thomas before she does any more harm, and start to question the dozens of appointments made by this Board and the Town Administrator. Speak up Grafton voters – whether by mail or in person, cast your vote and start to clean up our Town.

    This election is as important as the November 3rd election that is quickly approaching on the horizon. Stand up and be counted.

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