
North Street passive recreation park planning is a go as TM grants $47,000 in CPC funds

It was Virginia Engvall’s dying wish in 2019 that her family preserve the 17 acres of former orchard land at 93 North Street by donating it to the town of Grafton to be used as open space or passive recreation.

Town Meeting accepted the gift in 2020 and the Grafton Recreation Department was given $47,000 in CPC funding for design services after a contentious debate at Monday’s Town Meeting.

 “There’s a million reasons I should be in favor of this, and it seems like a good idea,” resident Scott Rossiter told Town Meeting members. His concern: the funds would only cover the planning stage, and more money would be requested to actually do the work.

Rossiter suggested that the Grafton Land Trust and the Boy Scouts could take on the project.

“Before you say no, look at the family that is giving it to us,” Community Preservation Committee member Richard Whitney said.

“This is not going to be a super park,” he added. “This is not something that will infringe on the neighborhoods.”

Grafton Recreation Director Jen Andersen said walking trails, a pavilion, and possibly a nature classroom and sensory garden are among the suggestions for the land. 

“We really don’t know the expense until we have a plan,” she said.

Select Board member Mathew Often also pointed out that the town will not know how much plans will cost until it’s put out to bid.

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