New round of outdoor dining permits has Grafton officials concerned about safety
Cancuns had just erected its parking lot tent in time for Cinco de Mayo. Across town, Wongs was setting up shop for its outdoor dining, approved by Planning Board just the night before.
And at Select Board Tuesday night, Grafton Grill & Crust owner Steve Belfiore was asking for an outdoor entertainment license for its already-approved parking lot tent, something neighboring Reunion Tap & Table had recently acquired.
Outdoor dining, instated as a way to keep local restaurants in business in the time of COVID-19, had proved popular last year. Tables and tents filled parking lots while patrons lounged inside, enjoying fresh air and a moment — while eating, anyway — without masks in a public setting.
Grafton Grill got its entertainment license — that was expected — but as al fresco becomes the norm, Select Board members have been raising the question: just how safe is it to have a tent filled with diners in a still-active parking lot?
Both Police Chief Normand Creapeau and Building Inspector Bob Berger acknowledged that when the state suggested adding outdoor dining as an emergency measure, the focus was on Covid and alcoholic beverage precautions. No barriers were required.
Crepeau suggested that restaurants may have to use some sort of traffic control in the parking lots or perhaps employees could park in a manner that would block oncoming cars.
“CVS has been entered by a vehicle at least three times since I’ve been here,” Crepeau said, suggesting that a barrier would just slow the impact.
Berger added that if outdoor dining continues after Covid, other criteria should be required, including parking adjustments.
“We had no guidance from Boston,” Berger said.
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