
Letters: Select Board candidates Roy and Often endorse each other

Colleen Roy

It is my honor to be writing this endorsement for Mathew Often for Select Board.  What hasn’t already been said about Mat at this point? He is driven, focused and exactly what Grafton needs right now.  I first met Mat when I joined the Capital Improvement Planning Committee and quickly realized he is selfless and passionate about getting Grafton back on track.  He understands the current limitations facing CIPC, which has prevented the committee from crafting an efficient long-term plan.  Mat didn’t sit back and hope for change, he stepped-up and entered a citizens’ petition to create a CIPC Bylaw Committee to help facilitate change. I was lucky enough to continue working with Mat on both the CIPC Bylaw Committee and Finance Committee.  Mat is currently the Chair of the Finance committee and meeting after meeting he demonstrates the type of leadership currently lacking on the Select Board.  For those who don’t know, the Finance Committee is a 9-member committee full of unique personalities and Mat is able to create an atmosphere that naturally allows for productive conversations without limiting anyone’s point of view. Based on Mat’s inspiring leadership style, the Finance committee has been able to work collaboratively to help drive the conversations needed between the Town Administrator and Superintendent to avoid the use of our rainy-day fund for FY21.  Mat is a man of action with a long-term vision for Grafton. 

Mat and I are both running for the Select Board, which one would think could make our working relationship complicated.  It’s done the exact opposite.  The support I’ve felt from both Mat, and his wife Laura, has been overwhelming. At a time when it would make sense to try and create a little distance it seems as though our working relationship has become stronger than ever.  I can’t say enough about Mat, he’s the leader Grafton urgently needs.  He has my vote and I hope you join me in voting Often June 23rd

Thank you,

Colleen Roy 

Mathew Often

I am pleased to support Colleen Roy for one of the two seats in the upcoming election for the Grafton Select Board. Colleen and I have been working together on the Finance Committee and Capital Improvement Planning Committee for the past year and a half. In her time on these committees, she has clearly demonstrated the type of competent and enthusiastic leadership that Grafton needs. 

 Colleen has excellent research and analytical skills. She is well read on the important subjects such as CPC, Housing, Economic Development and Finance. She pays attention to the nuance and small details of any situation, and is able to relate them to the bigger picture to stay focused on a strategic direction.

Colleen is a tireless worker. She has immersed herself deeply in Grafton municipal operations with a combination of in person meeting attendance and watching meetings online. She is always one of the first colleagues to volunteer for committee work, and always delivers work on time and of exceptionally high quality. She has the kind of roll your sleeves up attitude that’s needed right now.  

Colleen has an unmatched level of enthusiasm and creativity. She has a good understanding of the mechanisms of municipal operations, relationships between departments and key roles in town, and can employ them in unique ways in order to solve problems. Her attitude is always very positive, she is adept at conflict resolution and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with her on the Committees. 

Mathew Often