
Letter: Yeomans proposes CPA funds to prevent evictions during pandemic

The following letter was sent to the Select Board ahead of Tuesday’s meeting and shared with Grafton Common.

We ask that the CPC be charged to develop and approve a Warrant Article for the Select Board to consider and approve, placing such Article on the Warrant of our upcoming Town Meeting that would allow Grafton’s CPA Funds to be used for emergency financial interventions when a family or individual is threatened with eviction and losing their housing as a result of this Covid-19 epidemic.

Grafton has a sizable number of rental units housing individual and families of all ages, including Seniors, some of whom will need financial assistance when faced with eviction and the loss of their housing during these troubled times. 

It’s imperative that immediate action be taken on our request as the need for this type of assistance could soon be upon us.

Thanks for your thoughtful and timely consideration of our request.

Bill & Pat Yeomans
South Grafton

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