
Letter: Prisby throws his endorsement to Roy, Often

Yesterday, I was shown a text message sent by former Select Board member Craig Dauphinais, or someone purporting to be him, to various long time community members calling the two challengers in this year’s Select Board race, Mat Often and Colleen Roy, “toxic,” saying that they represent a following that is bad for Grafton.

Well, allow me to retort.

I have known Mat Often going on seven years now.  He is, as his wife Laura calls him, consistently the most adult person in whatever room that he’s in.  When I first got to know Mat, he was involved in the 2014 YesGrafton campaign to save our roads and schools, and he soon became a trusted voice in those meetings, advocating for education but willing to engage in substantive talk about Proposition 2 1/2 and structural deficits. He has spent time on the Planning Board, and has done an amazing job with the Finance Committee. This past week alone, he tirelessly attempted to bridge the philosophical divide between the Town Administrator and the Finance Committee in the face of serious disagreement that could have cost him support of his own committee with no assurance of backing from the TA. That did not dissuade Mat. He steadfastly worked toward consensus, politely and professionally, as he always does, even in the face of unprofessional behavior from the TA who resorted to swearing at the Finance Committee.

On more than one occasion, Mat and I have differed on my own “approach.”  But we disagree without being disagreeable, because that’s who we both are, and I genuinely value Mat’s input.

I have known Colleen Roy for two years now.  At first, she was the woman who came to Every. Single. Select Board meeting.  Every Tuesday night meeting was followed by a Wednesday morning email or text, asking a question about a decision made the night before.  At first, the questions were easy to answer and dispose of. As years have worn on, Colleen’s questions have become complex and more thoughtful than those of any sitting Select Board member, myself included.  Colleen is not only ready for this job, but after her term on Finance Committee, she is poised to surpass the rest of us and become Grafton’s next, great public servant.

Colleen is smart, kind, inquisitive, and passionate about public service.  What she is not is someone you can fool or push around.  In short, she is the strong female public servant that we all want our little girls to grow up to be.  Perhaps that is why someone like Craig is uncomfortable with her.

I’ve been waiting for the incumbents to make their case for re-election based on their records and a celebration of their own achievements.  That they and their surrogates have chosen not to speaks volumes.  Even the endorsement letter written by the eight former Board members endorsing Stock and Thomas did not bother listing their accomplishments, and only spoke to their willingness to support the current administration and basically maintain the status quo. That really says it all.

I, on the other hand, could go on and on about Mat and Colleen’s virtues. But because space is limited here, even online, I will leave you with this: Mat and Colleen represent precisely the energy, vigor, intelligence and change that Grafton needs.  If you liked the last nine months of rancor and fiscal negligence that the Select Board has burdened the Town with, you will love the next three years.  On the other hand if you, like me, are ready for smart, articulate professionals to take the wheel and bring Grafton into a new era and away from self-inflicted crisis, then vote for change.  Vote for Mat Often and Colleen Roy.

Ed Prisby