
Letter: Memorial Day events will not be held

Dear Town Residents,

Per guidance received from Commonwealth of Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and Secretary of Veterans Services Francisco Urena concerning the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and Social Distancing Protocols currently in place, there will be NO public municipal events held during this Memorial Day, May 25, 2020. Please understand that we hope everyone will spend Memorial Day at home safely, while keeping in their thoughts the many service members who lost their lives in service to our great nation. Memorial Day is still the time to honor these heroes who have passed, however, we have to modify our observance of the holiday this year.

In place of traditional events, the town is producing a prerecorded Memorial Day program to honor the fallen. The program will air Memorial Day on local public access channels and town social media platforms. Together with the local cable access station and area veteran groups, my office is supporting the filming of certain aspects of traditional Memorial Day observances that will be incorporated into a video montage, to include grave flag placement, messages from local legislators and town officials, and groups important to the veteran community. Please check your local listings for details.

Flags will still be placed upon graves by volunteers wearing appropriate PPE and observing Social Distancing protocols.  We ask for your support in ensuring that no traditional gatherings in honor of the Memorial Day holiday take place, and instead that an alternative digital experience be observed from the safety of your homes, in order to protect our town’s people and their families from the ongoing pandemic.


Justin Sousa

Director of Veterans Services

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