
Letter: Marr endorses Lisa Rice for Select Board

I am writing to the people of Grafton to express my support for Lisa Rice.  As most everyone knows, Ms. Rice is running for a seat on our Select Board in a special election set for October 29th.  

I’ve known Lisa for a long time, and I have always found her to be smart, capable, friendly, and energetic.  She’s got the experience and knowledge from serving on the Finance Committee, she’s raised two daughters here in town, and she works in the public schools as a reading specialist.  Who better to represent the people of Grafton than her?  

Lisa is prepared, ready to hit the ground running on day one.  She’s experienced, but eager to learn more. She is honest, straightforward, friendly, accessible, and helpful. If she can’t answer a question, she’s not afraid to admit it, and willing to find out the answer.  

Her energy and enthusiasm are simply unmatched in Grafton right now. We need Lisa on our Select Board to represent the interests of the citizens of Grafton – the young couples starting families, the seniors trying to stay here, and everyone in between.  

Please join me in voting for Lisa Rice on October 29th.

Thank you,

Amy L. Marr